Snack of the Day #OpenBook Blog Hop

August 28, 2923

What snack do you like with your cuppa (coffee/tea?)?

Many of you may know that I don’t drink coffee. Not that I have any objection to it, I just don’t like it. I tried to learn to appreciate the flavor so I could have a cup of coffee in the morning with my husband, but it never happened. I’d still make him a pot, but I wouldn’t drink it. Now that we are retired and have a single-serve coffee maker, he makes his own.

Tea is different. I enjoy the occasional cup. Flavors may vary, depending on my mood, the weather, and what is currently in my cupboard. But a morning cup isn’t part of my daily routine. When I have a cup, it is a treat by itself and I don’t have snacks to go with it. Water, plain, boring water is my current daily drink.

That’s not to say I don’t give in to the munchies during my day. As much as I like to pretend I eat healthy, chocolate in various forms is my downfall. Yes, I keep my fridge stocked with a variety of cheeses, but they aren’t as satisfying as good ‘ol chocolate.

Although I’ve gotten choosy about my chocolate. No more of the big US brands. The market has become saturated with at least one of my old favorites, and I rarely buy it anymore. It feels like the quality has gone done. Or I’ve become pickier. I’m even tired of some of the better quality brands—or my willpower is getting stronger.

I’ve never been much for salty snacks, either. Chips don’t thrill me. I’m okay with pretzel sticks in limited amounts.

But I’m no saint. I eat what is handy. The trick is buying only the ‘good’ stuff. I fail at that regularly.

Oh, I don’t limit my characters to my beverage peculiarities. Coffee earns frequent mentions in my stories. For example, from “Her Ladyship’s Ring”

It threw me for a loop when I woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Even in the days when Jake and I were together, I’d always been the first one up. I pulled on my robe, put my hair into a ponytail, and went to see what he was up to.

Greeted by a scene of domestic tranquility, I wondered if Jake had been replaced by a house brownie in the middle of the night. Last night’s dishes, including the cups we’d used for hot chocolate were washed and drying in the rack. Two mugs sat on the table, along with the sugar, and a spoon neatly placed on a napkin beside each. Jake was nowhere to be found.


How about you? Do you have a snack to go with your daily beverage? Let’s see what the other authors on this hop drink by following the links below.

Until next time, please stay safe!

August 28, 2923

What snack do you like with your cuppa (coffee/tea?)?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


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Beta Readers – Another Step in the Process #OpenBook Blog Hop

August 21, 2923

Do you use beta readers? Have they been useful in improving your writing?

My books get seen by lots of eyes before I ever release them to the world. And some of the eyes are beta readers. 

But they are more than readers. I am part of an on-line group that critique each other’s works. Not the same people all the time, and some of them may read several selections and not stick around for an entire book. The setup can be both enlightening and frustrating.

Enlightening because it’s helpful to get fresh eyes on your writing in the middle of the book. If the new readers don’t get the gist of your story from a synopsis and the selection itself, it may indicate the plot needs tightened. If those new readers fall in love with the writing, it can be a great compliment.

Another benefit is that the site attracts users from a variety of skill levels, different writing types, and from around the world. So, while getting a variety of opinions, there is also the opportunity to learn from the stories that the others share.

The frustrating part is finding someone whose opinion you respect and they disappear after a few chapters. It’s the nature of the platform—people come and go as they have their own work that needs critiqued, and don’t stick around at other times.

What I don’t have are readers that I can send a complete manuscript to for general impressions. I’m not sure how useful that would be. It’s just not my style.

How about our other authors? Do they use beta readers? Find out by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.


August 21, 2923

Do you use beta readers? Have they been useful in improving your writing?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Icebreakers – And Not Of The Cocktail Variety #OpenBook Blog Hop

August 14, 2923

What is your favorite icebreaker (meetings, parties, dates, socials)?

Back when I was involved with training, I had a plethora of icebreakers in my ‘toolbox.’ Many of them would break today’s rules of personal space when done in mixed-gender groups. I wouldn’t dare suggest using the one where you stand in a circle, close your eyes, and reach to the middle of the circle to find someone else’s hand. (One for each hand, of course.) Then, as a group effort, the resulting knot must be untangled without ever letting go of the other hands. The results can be hilarious and anything but welcoming to lots of people. Yes, there was much close contact and occasional shenanigans needed to accomplish the goal.

Now, icebreakers are like ‘Introduce the person sitting next to you,’ and ‘Tell us two truths and one lie about yourself.’ I’ll have forgotten most of the names from the first one before I ever leave the room, depending upon how large the group is. And I like to keep my home life separate from my work life, so I make the answers to the second as basic and boring as possible.

Do I have a favorite icebreaker? Stop at my booth at a community event and tell me about your favorite author or ask me about my writing. Or tell me about yours. I’m happy to encourage a budding author or trade ideas with other writers on where to sell our work. In the last two weekends, I have developed a small list of potential spots to sell my books.

What this boils down to is that I despise ‘artificial’ icebreakers. How about the other authors on this hop? Find out by following the links below. 

Until next time, please stay safe.

August 14, 2923

What is your favorite icebreaker (meetings, parties, dates, socials)?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


New Release: Raising Hell – How to Survive the Terrible Twos By Katie Zaber

I had the pleasure of meeting Katie Zubar at the recent book signing, Committed at the Hill View Manor in New Castle, Pa. She’s got a new book out, and I thought I’d share it with you!

A woman in her mid-twenties sits on a stool, staring at her phone. She’s not even trying to entice
customers to come in for a reading.
She sees me and says, “No.”
I smile. “Hi, Lynn.”
A long cinnamon braid twists and turns down her back, ending past her knees. Her phone in
her hands shakes slightly. She stares at me with wide green eyes. “No. I barely slept after your
last reading.” She sighs, deflating like a popped balloon, sinking her shoulders down low. “I
wanted my dream last night to be another nightmare, not reality, but here you are. Another
nightmare come true.”
“It’s nice to see you, too.”
“Please,” she says, looking up at me with begging eyes, “find someone else to give you
“I wish I could, but I trust you, and I know that you have the gift.”
“The curse,” she replies under her breath. “Fine. I’ll put the kettle on. But I’m charging
double. The stress that comes from your powerful readings, the sleepless nights…” She mumbles
under her breath, getting off her stool, and heads into her shop. “It’s not worth it. Not worth
“Then I’ll pay you triple. I’m sorry that I cause you so much misery, but I could really use
your help. Please.”

“It’s not your fault that the gods have picked you for something,” she says while turning on
the electric kettle and prepping the mugs.
“What do you think they picked me for?” I ask as Mal squirms and farts but settles down.
Thankfully, he’s not pooping just yet. I have limited time.
“No clue. Just that you’re special. I have strong readings with other people, but nothing that
seems so important. There’s an air of fate around you that affects everyone and everything you
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. It’s a feeling that I’ve only had with you. I give readings and I see things, but
never have I felt that anyone was truly meant for something. Not like you.” She places the mugs
on the table and asks, “So, what brings you here today?”
I sit down and recline back for a moment and think about what she just said. She thinks the
gods handpicked me for something. Something important. Could it be stopping Crystal and
Shade? No. Nothing in my life is that easy or makes that much sense. They must need me for
something else. How lovely.
“It’s about Melisa. My friend that came with me that last time. She’s in love and about to
pop the question. The woman she loves has two boys. You predicted that. Is there anything we
can do to stop her pain? Is there any way to prevent it? Can I save her and her family?”
Lynn holds out her hand and rubs her pointer and thumb together.
“Oh. Here.” I pass her a handful of hundreds, more than triple her fee.
“Thank you. Do you need change?”

I shake my head.
“Thank you. Give me your hand. Let’s see if I get a vision. They don’t always come.”

Blurb:  The voices tell me to wake up, but with two children under three, I’m awake. Believe me.
There’s just so much pressing on me.
Crystal, the woman who runs Shade, the secret group who imprisoned me, is still out there and I
cannot rest until I have ended her. I need supernatural allies to do that, though, and they are hard
to come by. Witches, vampires, and weres refuse to unite against their common enemy, choosing
to hide in seclusion while innocents are hunted and turned into lab rats.
Meanwhile, my best friend is entering a new phase of her life, and I don’t want to miss a second
of her happiness, despite the dire warnings from a powerful psychic in the mall.
And then there’s Lucas, the man who will never say he loves me and rejects the idea of marriage.
He loves me even if he can’t say the word. Right?
So what if there are dire predictions popping up all around me? I have more than enough to deal
with. My kids will be fine. Just fine.
Won’t they?

Raising Hell – How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Katie Zaber, author of the series Dalya and DNA, is a fantasy author whose imagination knows no
bounds. As a child, her parents read stories about Atlantis and other fictional places that she dreamed of
exploring, fueling her love of history, adventure, and fantasy. She loves to spend what little free time she
has winemaking, baking, and reading. When she has a full day to herself, you can find her at the beach or
at a winery. Her favorite meals are the ones her boyfriend cooks, and she loves spending quiet nights at
home with him, binge watching new fantasy shows or play video games.
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A Fateful Meeting In The Woods #OpenBook Blog Hop

August 7, 2023

What is your author origin story? (Or make one up.)

Be aware – this story may or may not be true. I will neither confirm nor deny the reality.

    At the age of seventeen, I met a Celtic god.
    I didn’t know that was what he was, of course. It took a long time for me to understand what had happened.
    Which was basically nothing. It was a late summer day, and I was on one of my strolls through the fields and woods near my parents’ home when I bumped into him. Not literally, of course,
     There wasn’t a path to where I’d wondered, a house and property that had been bought for a new park. The home had been torn down, but the old stone foundation remained. I was in search of a small spring rumored to be nearby.
     And there he was, on the other side of the overgrown lawn, the largest “deer” I’d ever seen, with a huge spread of antlers. My first thought was that I was glad it wasn’t hunting season, and I didn’t have to report it to my dad.
     We stood there for a long time, staring at each other, neither of us blinking, me hardly breathing. Then he was gone. I don’t remember him leaving. I continued my walk, forgetting to continue my search for that spring.
     It was after that encounter I started writing more. I’d experimented with essays in school, but never contemplated taking my writing further than that. After the moment, my attempts at writing poetry became more frequent and intentional.
     There was another benefit to the contact. I’d broken my collarbone in a bicycle accident a few weeks earlier. At my next checkup, it amazed the doctor how quickly it was healing. It healed fast enough that by fall, I was scaling cliffs as part of a mountain climbing class.
     What was a Celtic god doing in the forests of Western Pennsylvania, USA? I have no theories, but it makes more sense that the researcher who is convinced Bigfoot roams those hills. I keep thinking I should make a return trip to the spot to say thank you. Can someone in the comments tell me what an appropriate offering to leave behind would be?

How did the other authors in this group get started? Check out the links below to find out.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

P.S.  Aengus is the Celtic god of youth, love and poetic inspiration. He has the ability to shapeshift.

August 7, 2023

What is your author origin story? (Or make one up.)

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

After Reaching The End #IWSG

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the August 2 posting of the IWSG are Kate Larkinsdale,Diane Burton, Janet Alcorn, and Shannon Lawrence!

August 2 question: Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?

Easy answer: All the freakin’ time. I worry about the last few words, the last sentence, the last paragraph, the last chapter. Is the story going where I want it to go? Am I setting the right tone? Staying true to my characters?

But I suspect the question is referring to an entire story. The answer is still yes. I’ve written total books that are filed away because I don’t believe they are good enough. If they don’t meet my standards, I won’t foist them off on my readers.

For example, I’ve tried to write romance. Just can’t do it.. At least, I’m not meeting the expectations of the genre. I can’t write the deep emotions that readers anticipate. Give me action/adventure, mixed with a touch of romance, and I’m in my element. 

I’ve handled those failed attempts in several ways. I have set some aside. Sometimes I take elements of the stories to reuse in a whole new work. I am currently working on a remake of a manuscript I set aside over a decade ago. As I set to work, I realized the new story was more of a tribute to the original, rather than a rewrite. I’ve shed some of the major plot points from the first version while strengthening others. (The working title is The Edwards Agency. )

I don’t consider any of those set-aside books as failures. I see them as learning experiences. Each one has improved my writing skills. 

To see how other authors feel about the question, check out a few of the links below.