Favorite Genre #IWSG

IWSG Day Question: Of all the genres you read and write, which is your favorite to write in and why?

The awesome co-hosts for the June 5 posting of the IWSG are Diane Burton, Kim Lajevardi, Sylvia Ney, Sarah Foster, Jennifer Hawes, and Madeline Mora-Summonte!

Here’s the thing. I’ll read just about anything, from sci-fi to mysteries to biographies. As long as it’s well-written, I’m game. I’m not crazy about erotica, but if it’s got a decent plot, I can read it.

Obviously, I don’t write in every genre I read. I only write in two-urban fantasy/paranormal and mysteries. (I’ve tried writing in a third, romance, and wasn’t much good at it!)

I freely admit that the mysteries are better sellers than the fantasies. And I love my main character, Harmony Duprie. But the genre I prefer? The urban fantasy.

There’s so much freedom with what I can do with my characters. Sure, I’ve set guidelines for how my world works, but I can also break the rules. And, I do! Or, at least I twist the rules to match what the plot demands.

I’ve written three books so far in the Free Wolves series. At this point, I’m not sure when I’ll add another one. Sure, ideas for more are floating around in my head, demanding my attention, but I’m holding off for now. (But don’t worry, I don’t write cliffhanger endings, so you can read the books and not feel cheated.) 

If you are interested in the books, you can grab more information HERE. 

And you might want to check out some of the other insecure writers below.

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  1. For me, as a reader, it’s all about the story. If it’s a good one, I’m hooked, no matter the genre. 🙂

  2. That’s such a fun aspect to writing in your genre–being able to build a world and mold the rules to fit your story. I’m with you; I can read just about anything with great writing and engaging characters.

  3. I agree that good stories are good stories, regardless of genre. In general, paranormal stories aren’t my cup of tea–but Shelly Laurentson’s Hot and Badgered was a delight!

  4. I love mysteries! I just picked up a copy of The Marquesa’s Necklace. Looking forward to reading it 🙂

  5. I’m kind of the same way. I’ll read pretty much anything, but with writing, I tend to stick to two or three genres.

    • I suppose it could be done, but could you imagine switching between romance and military history?

  6. I like a mix of mystery and fantasy. The Magicians is one of my favorite series. 🙂

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  7. Sadly, fantasy and science fiction are a tough sell. And that’s what I like to read and write.

    • i was under the impression that science fiction sold well. (But i don’t write it, so I don’t really know!)

  8. I’m the same – I’ll read most anything. Some genres and sub-genres to make me grind my teeth, but I think it’s more on how the books themselves are written.

    As for writing. I seem to be stuck in science fantasy for now, but I do want to branch out eventually, but probably no more than 2 or 3 total.

  9. I’ll read outside my favorite genres if they premise of the story intrigues me. In that case, the genre isn’t super important. I guess I read mostly in certain genres because that’s where my natural interests usually are.

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