Finding a Place to Write #IWSG

September 4 question – If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?
The awesome co-hosts for the September 4 posting of the IWSG are Gwen Gardner,Doreen McGettigan, Tyrean Martinson, Chemist Ken, andCathrina Constantine!
There’s this little lake I know, not exactly in the mountains, but in the high plains. The altitude is about 8000 feet. It’s got a wonderful view of several mountain ranges, depending upon which direction you look. On a normal days, there’s at the most, three or four people there- more cows than people, but they are on the other side. The cows, that is.
Ducks, geese and the occasional seagull swim on the lake’s surface. Along the shoreline, songbirds play hide-and-go-seek among the bushes. Their songs mingle with the lowing of the cattle.
There’s not an electric plugin to be had, so once the battery on the laptop is dead, it’ll be writing with pen and paper. The nearest town, population under 600, is fifteen miles away. 
But to sit there in the shade of one of the few trees (or bring my own) and write! No distractions, no cell phone service, no internet, no one bothering me. That would be heaven.
So I’m not going to tell you where it is. You know the song…you call someplace paradise, you kiss it goodbye. I’m not ready to for that.

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  1. WOW! Lovely! My second favorite place to stay in the mountains with a view. Climbing a mountain is like writing a novel. Looks like Mono Lake, CA. Thanks for joining me on twitter.

  2. So lovely. I can see why you’d like to work there. About your laptop battery. Get a couple of battery chargers and you can work on your laptop all day. I got them (Amazon) for the craft shows I do (books not crafts) so my Square always works. Enjoy your fav location.

  3. I rely on my phone for my Square. That way I don’t have to worry about the internet connection at whatever show I’m at. I have a tablet,I’d prefer to use, but it doesn’t play well with the Square- it seems to lose connection to the device.

  4. Natural settings are really great for clearing the mind and writing in, espewhen no one’s around to distract you.

    I’m perfectly okay with writng my stores by hand. It feels more natural and close to the creat I’ve act for me. Now when comest editing, that’s a different story, almost literally! Lol

    • I love writing by hand, but I’m a better writer when I type it out. I can ‘see’ my mistakes and catch and correct them when they are on a screen in front of me. When I write by hand it’s more stream of consciousness and takes a lot more editing.

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