Writer’s Secrets #IWSG

June 3 question – Writers have secrets! What are one or two of yours, something readers would never know from your work?
The awesome co-hosts for the June 3 posting of the IWSG are Pat Garcia, J.Q. Rose, and Natalie Aguirre!
Welcome to another month of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.  This month I’m supposed to reveal one or two secrets. But if I tell you, they won’t be a secret anymore! So we’ll go with two things only a few people know.
In my Harmony Duprie Mysteries, I’ve made Harmony afraid of flying. Or, I should say, she told me she’s afraid of flying. I don’t think Harmony revealed it to me until Book Three, and I didn’t know why until Book 4. I’m currently up to book 6, and Eli, Harmony’s long-time lover, has figured out her fear, but she hasn’t told him why. Very different from me. I used to work a job where I traveled all the time. I once flew from Florida to various parts of California three times in one month. All the switching of times zones was rough, but I got to the point where, after boarding, I’d be asleep before the plane ever left the ground.
And for my other almost secret? I cut my writing teeth on poetry. I even had some luck getting published in literary magazines. At first, I tried to carry that over to my fiction, but it made for heavy reading. I still slip an occasional poetic phrase into my stories, but not near as many as I used to. My mysteries are light-hearted, and I don’t want to bog them down.
One more not-a-secret that many of you already know. I released the fifth book in Harmony Duprie Mysteries this past Monday. It’s called The Samurai’s Inro and trouble is chasing down Harmony again. Because how much trouble can one ex-librarian get into? You can find more information HERE. 
There you go. Two almost-secrets and a bonus. Thanks go to our hosts for another great blog hop. You can check out the posts from other authors on the links below.
Until next time, stay safe!

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  1. Hi,
    I love poetry and have written a couple, but I am not a poet. I agree, Poetry. goes down deep.
    Have a great month of June and thanks for being a part of IWSG.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  2. Hi,
    My comment disappeared. I hope it disappeared because you need to approve it. I will just back later to see if it took.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  3. Well… I tried to submit a comment. It disappeared into the ether. My comment was: “It’s great when characters tell you their story… greatly frustrating! 😎”

  4. Thanks for sharing. It seems like you have a very healthy relationship with your characters. They should teach mine some manners 🙂

    • My characters and I have been known to have arguments about where a story should go. They normally win.

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