A Letter to My Fans #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dear Fans,

I know there are a few of you out there. Only a few, but you are part of the reason I keep on writing.

First off, I want to say thank you. Your kind words and reviews help me feel like I’m doing something right. Writing is a lonely business at its core, and knowing that at least a few people enjoy my stories makes it a little less lonesome. Yes, my characters keep me company, but it’s nice to interact with real people too.

After writing poetry for many years, releasing Wolves’ Pawn was a new adventure. While it never became a best seller except in my dreams, I got enough feedback to let me know it wasn’t a complete failure. So with a little more confidence, I let go of The Marquesa’s Necklace. Since then, I’ve also released Her Ladyship’s Ring and Wolves’ Knight.

I’ve had a complaint or two that I don’t write fast enough. I agree. Sorry about that, but until I can support myself with my books I have a “real life” job to do that takes up most of my day and much of my energy. Plus, many times I “overthink” and while that slows down the writing process I hope it results in a better book.

I’d like to call out my fans by name to say thank you individually, but I don’t know who some of you are except for the fake name on a review  on Amazon or other sites. So please accept my sincere appreciation to all of you. I hope that I’ve given you a few moments of pleasure in what can be a tough world.

What can you expect from me in the future? I’m currently working on two books, one in the Oak Grove series and one in the Free Wolves. I expect to get the next of Harmony’s adventures out first. It’s called “The Baron’s Cufflinks.” After that will be “Wolves’ Gambit.” With any luck, I’ll get them both edited and released by mid-year.

What’s up after that? I haven’t decided. I have a couple of older books that I never released that I feel are solid stories. I might pull them out, clean them up a bit and let them fly. Or there’s still a wedding story I need to write. Can you imagine Tasha from Wolves’ Knight in a bridemaid’s gown?

Before I leave you for another week, let me say it again. Thank you. And you. And you.

If there’s anything you want to tell me, here’s your chance. Tell me in the comments!


P.J. MacLayne

P.S. You want a picture? Okay, here’s one.

P.S.S. You may have noticed that my plea to sign up for my newsletter is gone. I’m going to be switching companies I do my newsletter through. Pleas stay tuned! If you have already signed up, you won’t need to do it again. I was able to preserve your email addresses.

January 30 – write a letter to your fans.
1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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