Why Human Rights Matter to Me—Open Book Blog Hop

No, you didn’t miss a post from me last week. I was out of town and had no internet access. It was great, but now it’s time to come back to real life.

This week we’re talking about things that matter to us. As my title indicates, I picked the broad topic of human rights. I considered narrowing the topic, but back in high school, when I was first being introduced to the politics of women’s rights, I decided that the rights of all people were important, and I haven’t changed my philosophy. If anything, my areas of interest have grown broader over the years.

The men’s rights movement was the breakthrough  that led me to explore beyond women’s rights. The concept that women were automatically considered better parents than men floored me because my own father was a wonderful and caring parent. Besides, if we were talking about women being equal, shouldn’t that extend to equality both good and bad? I couldn’t find the fairness in being considered automatically “superior” in any field based on sex alone. Isn’t that what the women’s rights movement was fighting against?

Gradually, my world perspective grew larger. The Civil Rights Movement was only the tip of the iceberg. The issues of Native Americans began making the news. Remember the occupation of Alcatraz?  The American Indian Movement and Russell Means? I don’t know too many people who do. Fascinating US history that I suspect doesn’t make it into history textbooks. 

Somewhere along the way, my interests became international. So many issues, so many causes. Women not being allowed to drive or vote or have any rights under the laws of many countries. Children being forced in prostitution or slavery or used to fight in territorial wars. Men and women not being able to have opinions that are in opposition to the “official” position of their government. The struggles of the LGBT community all over the globe. Usable food being wasted or deliberately destroyed while people go hungry.

What can one person do about all the many issues? Admittedly, not much, other than pay attention and educate themselves  about what is going on in the world. Sign a petition or two or three. Pick one or two causes to donate money to. And when the opportunity arises, share your knowledge with other people. If we work together, we can make a difference.

To find out what other authors care about, follow the links below.

July 11 Why ____________ matters to me. Share what you’re passionate about. Strong opinion pieces allowed.
1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use ?#?OpenBook? when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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