How Much is Too Much? #OpenBook Blog Hop

How much is too much? We know repetition is important to remember things. That’s why we see the same commercials over and over again. But, how much is too much? What’s your favorite ad and what’s your least favorite ad. (Can be television, radio, billboards.)

Those of you who have read my blog with any regularity know that I don’t watch TV.  The number of ads and the way they repeat them over and over and over is one of the reasons I stopped. Seeing the same bad commercial three times within an hour was enough to drive me away from watching a show. And eventually, TV in general.

That doesn’t mean I don’t catch an occasional ad or two when I wander into the room when my hubby is watching the news. Or just flipping through channels. As a result, I have a few ads that are among my least favorite.

The first ones that come to mind are the Progressive insurance ads. The first one or two featuring Flo were okay, but she is just as annoying as all get out. (I’m trying to keep my words clean.) And she gets worse with every new commercial. I have to wonder how effective the character is in selling insurance. I think she’s outlived her usefulness. The Geico ads are at least slightly better. The gecko isn’t near as annoying. (Although I liked the older version of him better.)

The whole category of ads for the medicine of the week ranks a close second on my least favorite list. Have you ever really listened to the list of potential side effects? They are often worse than the condition they are fixing! What really gets me is the commercials say “And don’t take medicine X if you are allergic to medicine X.” Well, no duh! I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV, but I could tell you that. And we wonder why our prescriptions cost so much, but that’s a topic for another blog post.

I can’t tell you my favorite ad. I don’t have one. Heck, usually I make a point of watching the best of the Super Bowl ads, and I didn’t do that  this year. I’m going to date myself and tell you about one I remember from way back. Anyone remember the Budweiser frogs? (I’m not endorsing the company here. Shh, don’t tell anyone, but I don’t like their beer.) But that string of commercials was tongue-in-cheek enough to make them interesting. For those of you who are too young to remember, here’s the first one. Simple but effective.

Now let’s hop on over (see what I did there?) to the other author’s pages and see what they have to say.

March 19, 2018 – How much is too much? We know repetition is important to remember things. That’s why we see the same commercials over and over again. But, how much is too much? What’s your favorite ad and what’s your least favorite ad. (Can be television, radio, billboards.)

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