A Day in the Life #Open book Blog Hop

It’s boring folks. I have a standard 9-5 job. Well, it’s 8:00 to 4:30, but you get the drift. So I spend my day in front of a computer screen and on conference calls. Thrilling, right?

Only I’d be lying. See, I work in IT. And I have one little word in my job title that changes everything. “Security.” That means there’s a lot about my job I can’t tell you.

What I can tell you is that we pray for those boring moments in IT, because the excitement happens when something breaks. We don’t like it when something doesn’t work right. Neither do all the people who depend on the systems we operate, because that means they can’t do their job in the normal fashion. We like it even less when it’s a problem we can’t fix within a few minutes.

And no, that’s not me. I use enough programs on a daily basis that I have three screens. They take up a lot of territory on my desk. I don’t drink coffee either. I never learned to like it. I keep a water bottle within reach all day and my coffee mugs are filled with pens.

But I have a great bunch of co-workers. On the days when everything is going smoothly, we sneak in a bit of fun to our normal routine. Things like Nerf gun battles (we are geeks!) and putt-putt golf in the hallways.Those are only short breaks, because there are systems to monitor and maintain and work to be done.

I’m always glad to head home to spend time with my dear hubby and the rest of my family. Of course, I have to take time to catch up on social media and write, so some of my time is spent by myself. I look forward to weekends when I can unwind and hopefully spend some extra time on writing.

So that’s my day. Pretty normal these days, not like when I traveled for a living. That’s a different day’s post.

Now let’s jump over and see what everyone else’s day is like!

July 10, 2017 – What Is A Day In The Life Of A _________ (Insert Your Career) Like?
Walk your readers through the hour-by-hour day in the life of (your title). Also, don’t forget to share pictures. It’s always a lot of fun for people to peak into others’ lives.
1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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  1. Sometimes I wish I was a computer nerd, but I'm not.

  2. My old job we had a great IT team of two who were so busy that I was their unofficial team member … not afraid to push buttons, try out new software or unplug a printer and see if it resets. But at this job, there's an actual IT team, and I really love them. They have superpowers.

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