Motto for Life—#OpenBook Blog Hop

I discovered my motto in the past six months. Don’t ask me why it took so long to find it, but  it fits my life perfectly.

“Screws fall out all the time…the world’s an imperfect place.”

It comes from the movie “The Breakfast Club.” But I like it better swapped around: “The world’s n imperfect place, screws fall out all the time.” It’s a better version of my earlier version: “Life happens.”

You know that feeling. You’ve worked hard and made all the right plans and all the right preparations when ‘BOOM’ something breaks. And there’s not a darn thing you can do about it.

It’s the 4th of July and you decided to take a trip to the mountains? Boom and it’s snowing. The roads aren’t closed but the picnic tables are coated with the white stuff. Yep, that was the sound of a screw falling.

Or for months you’ve planned to go to the beach. You checked the weather reports and made your reservations for a nice little cottage on the shore. You bought flip-flops and and new bathing suit. Heck, you even remembered to buy suntan lotion. What could go wrong?

You guessed it.That rare April tropical storm moves in and the cottage is flooded. BOOM! There went another screw.

But sometimes they are just tiny screws. The roast you were cooking needed a few more minutes but the rest of dinner was ready. Your favorite pair of pants loses their button when you put them on. Someone didn’t replace the empty roll of toilet paper.

And some days multiple screws fall out. Maybe not all at once, but one here and one there. Those are the days you want to go back to bed and pull the covers over your head and shut out the rest of the world. Not that it will do any good, the world will still be there when you emerge from your fortress.

So what do you do? My best advice is to learn to roll with the punches and meet challenges with a sense of humor. And don’t forget to carry a screwdriver wherever you go.

What’s your motto? Let us know in the comments. And let’s go find out what the other authors’ words of wisdom are by following the links below.

May 29, 2017 – What’s Your Motto For Life?
What words of wisdom do you live by? Use those as inspiration for sections and flesh out a post that shares your philosophy.
1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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  1. And don't get isolated, so you can't see this happening to others. That makes it much harder. What is that saying? "The best laid plans of mice and men." I'm starting to wonder if it happens to keep us humble?

  2. Oh, that is surely true. People forget that the world is imperfect and that all you can really do is roll with it. Today, we had Memorial Day barbecue out at our cabin site and I managed, miraculously, to pull off hamburgers, sweet corn and french fries over a campfire. It all came out at the same time and I even remembered the knife to spread the condiments. Considering we had to haul food for three days 50 miles, that's doing pretty good. And as we were sitting down to eat, dark clouds rolled over the hills to the west, thunder and lightning, rain … we ended up eating in the tent, with the wet dog trying to snatch bits from our plates.

    It was great fun. Almost as soon as we finished eating, the storm blew itself out and the valley was this luminous fairy land, the prettiest it had been our whole stay.

  3. Gosh, that's a fantastic way to look at it. Screws fall out all the time!!!!! Love.

  4. Ha ha, yes, I seem to have lost a lot of screws lately…

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