Thanksgiving Traditions—#OpenBook Blog Hop

Welcome to another edition of the Open Book Blog Hop, where a merry group of authors get together to expound on a similar topic in what ends up being  dissimiliar ways. This week we’re talking about Thanksgiving traditions.

Growing up in a large family, Thanksgiving was a major event. My mother started cooking several days in advance. On the day itself, the older kids would be part of the preparations. Either helping in the kitchen, or setting up tables and finding enough chairs for the guests we were having. My mother would break out the ‘good’ china and the ‘real’ silverware (which needed polished each year.)
 Because there were so many of us, the adults would be at the big table and there would be a separate kids table. There’d be the traditional turkey and ham, potatoes-both mashed and sweet- and a variety of vegatables, along with assorted pies for dessert. Yes, it was pretty Norman Rockwell-ish.

Now that I’m grown up and living far from my birthplace, Thanksgiving has changed. Several times, actually. Depending upon jobs and days off, the traditional feast might be ayt noon or it might be in the evening. The menu has shrunk with fewer people to share the bounty, but it still goes far above a normal meal.

The best part is that we actually all sit down at the table and eat together. I put away whatever book I’m reading and the TV is turned off. I’ll break out the poinsettia tablecloth we got from my husband’s grandmother and add a few subtle Christmas decorations. It marks the beginning of the Christmas season and its joys.

I’m lucky enough that this year I’ll have four days off in a row, So once the leftovers are put away, I’ll launch into a mini-version of spring cleaning and even put up a few more Christmas decorations to help me get in the mood.

To find out about the traditions of other folks on the hop, click on the links below, And tell us about your traditions in the comments.

November 21 – Thanksgiving traditions – What are your traditions or what traditions would you like to begin. For those not in the US, how about writing about family traditions?
1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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  1. It must be lovely being part of such a large family.

    • It has its blessings and its downfalls. Growing up, we only had one bathroom, so getting ready for school was an adventure. On the othr hand, there were always built in companions readu to go on real adventures with you. 🙂

  2. I'm taking four days off this year too. Kinda of looking forward to four days of eating leftovers and only cooking breakfast when I can't talk the guys out of it. I miss my daughter because for several years she would take that whole breakfast thing for Thanksgiving weekend. I like to cook, but she LOVES to cook, so we'd always get fancy stuff from her.

  3. It sounds very nice at your place and I know the area is just so beautiful. You are blessed.

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