Allaina Daniels and Infinity #Egg-cerpt Exchange

Today I’m featuring  Allaina Daniels and her debut book, Infinity. Welcome Allaina!

Blurb: Professional animal trainer, Carmen Rockwell, is happy living her life on the edge of society. She owns a high profile business that is run by her best friend, Lissy, the only person she thinks she needs in her life. Because of an unusual gift, she is the best in the country at what she does. She goes away for work and finds herself suddenly drawn into a new world- one that she never knew existed and against her will, it follows her home, demanding that she enter into the life she was destined to live. An important date is approaching fast, but will she turn away from this new world and hide or will she face her fate head on? One man could make all the difference- but does he love her or is she only a means to an end?

Excerpt: (This is the first 5 chapters from the amazon sample.)

Purchase Link:

Character interview:

(To read the previous part of this interview please visit

A: “So I am curious, and I want an answer from each of you. What is your worst fear or most prominent nightmare?”
C and G: Look at me while frowning.
A: “Go on. You know it is best if you get it out in the open anyway.”
G: Runs his hand across the back of his neck and looks away while mumbling, “I’m afraid of being alone again.”
C: Smiles at Gabriel while placing her hand on his cheek, “Silly man. I am going to drive you crazy until the end of time.”
G: Looks back at Carmen with a small smile. “I’m going to hold you to that.”
A: “Your turn, Carmen.”
C: Blows out a breath while tucking her hair behind her ear. “My dreams are always great. It is the memories that haunt me. If I could erase seeing Gabriel bleeding out on Lissy’s floor from my mind, I would.” She looks me in the eye, “There is nothing like watching the one person you love above all others dying in from of you and you are helpless to stop the process.”
A: “I understand better than you know. But this interview is about the two of you, not me.”

(To read the next segment of this interview please visit
on Mar 14th.)

Author Bio:
Allaina Daniels is a sassy domestic goddess from Georgia whose addiction to caffeine is surpassed
only by her passion for the written word.

Her debut paranormal romance, Infinity, was released in August 2015; and, her second novel is expected to be available by summer 2016.

Allaina is an avid reader and reviewer of all genres and enjoys connecting with her readers on social media.

Stalk Allaina at these places.

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