Stresses and Delights: A Writer’s View #IWSG


It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group post. This month’s topic:
In your writing, what stresses you the most? What delights you?
The awesome co-hosts for the December 1 posting of the IWSG are PJ Colando, Diane Burton, Louise – Fundy Blue, Natalie Aguirre, and Jacqui Murray!
I’m going to bet that a lot of us are going to answer the first part of the question the same. What stresses me the most? Publicity! Well, publicity in general, social media more specifically.
I’m an introvert. I want to spend my times trying to make words sing. But I want people to read those words, so I have to make myself available to my audience. Some days it’s fine, other days I want to crawl into my writing cave and hide away, when I don’t have the mental stretch to skip past yet another Facebook ad.
On the other hand, I love doing in-person events where I can talk to people about my books and writing. I may be worn out at the end of the day, but it’ll be a good tired.
What delights me? A good review. Heck. almost any review. Knowing that someone cares enough about my story to take their time and share their thoughts with the world is a high compliment. And a 5 Star review can’t be beat. If you’re reading this, go review an author’s book. It doesn’t have to be mine. But hopefully, it’ll be one of the authors on this hop. You can find them in the list below.
That’s it for this month. I hope you’ll come back in January. Or sooner, to check out my other blog posts! Anyway, until next time, please stay safe.
What delights me? A good review. Heck, almost any review. Knowin

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  1. I never know what I’m going to get when I log into social media. Some days, I can connect with people who are into writing or who share my other interests. Those days are great! Other days, everybody’s just mad, and I’m trying to piece together what happened in the news that made everybody so mad.

  2. Louise (Fundy Blue)

    Hi, PJ! I do try to review books I’ve read by IWSG authors. I know getting reviews is difficult. Have a lovely holiday season!

  3. I’m with you there! Trying to publicize enough without becoming annoying is a very difficult balance to find. It’s easier in person, where we have all those nonverbal cues as to the effects of our words and actions! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  4. It’s strange how we haven’t had many author events during the pandemic. I’m more extroverted than you, but I dislike hauling lots of books only to sell none or very few. Hope you have a good December!

    • I did two events (not author specific) this year. One I’d done before, (with few sales) one was new to me. The response was amazing! People were hungry for social interaction and for books. I sold out of many of my books.

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