A Family Inheritance—Open Book Blog Hop

Welcome to another edition of the Open Book Blog Hop, where a bunch of authors get together to discuss various topics. This week we’re discussing mother-daughter relationships.

I’m lucky. Really lucky. I have a great mother. I’ve written about her in previous posts. No matter how hard it was, she always supported her children’s efforts. Growing up, I could talk to her about almost anything. (There are always things you don’t want to share with your mother.) She taught me everything I needed to know about kindness and caring, as well as sharing with me her love of reading.

It took me a long time to see it, but people always said I looked like my mother.I had to grow into it, but It turns out that I do. And I’ll take it as a compliment because she’s a beautiful lady. (that’s her to the left, me below.)

Once I became a mother myself, our relationship changed. I can’t say for the better, it was just different. But maybe that’s because we had a whole new range of topics to discuss. Lots of people are scared when they realize what taking care of a baby means, but not me. I had a great example to follow. Besides, I’d helped babysit my younger brothers and sisters, so I knew about changing diapers and washing bottles.

Although I worry about it, I think I’ve been a good mother. My kids are grown-ups now, and within the past year, I became a grandmother.Never expected it for a variety of reasons, but I’m glad it happened. And I think I can see the relationship between my daughter and myself changing as a result. For the better, of course.

And my daughter looks a lot like me. More importantly, I see in her the same kind of love and caring that I see in my mother. Hopefully, I had a hand in passing that on to her. She’s already proving herself to be a great mother.

Feel free to share your stories about your mothers in the comments. To find out what other authors had to say, check out the links below.You can start with Kelly Williams. Here’s a link to her blog. K. Williams. And don’t forget to check out her books while you’re there. 

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One Comment

  1. Your article is truly heartwarming. I love reading about generations of love. Thank you for sharing.

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