The Horror Of It #IWSG


Welcome to another month of the Insecure Writers’ Support Group, whose purpose is to share an encourage. The awesome co-hosts for the September 7 posting of the IWSG are Kim Lajevardi, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguirre, Olga Godim, Michelle Wallace, and Louise – Fundy Blue!

September 7 question – What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why.
The one genre I have no interest in reading and would never tackle writing is horror. The why is simple-I do most of my reading for entertainment, and I find nothing entertaining in stories about humans getting joy out of hurting other humans. Sure, I know there are lots of other aspects of horror, but I just don’t like the genre. And, since I write for personal fulfillment and enjoyment, I’d never use my limited writing time on a subject that I don’t appreciate.
I also wouldn’t try science fiction, but that’s because I don’t feel up to the task. I just don’t feel I could do a good job with the genre. My current WIP is set twenty years in the future, and that’s tough enough. I don’t have a crystal ball to reveal what subtle changes we might see in our daily lives by then and am trying to project based on what had changed in my lifetime.
There’s one genre I’ve tried unsuccessfully and I may try again – romance. Sure, I write with a touch of romance in my stories, but action is the primary component. My few attempts at writing a full-length romance have been unsatisfactory and I have shelved them. But who knows, I might try again.
That’s it for me. But there are plenty of other authors on this hop. Check out the list below. And, until next time, please stay safe.
Note: I lost track on myself and posted this last week- way to early! So if you are here again, it’s not your imagination, and thank you!