Am I a Working Writer? #IWSG

October 7 question – When you think of the term working writer, what does that look like to you? What do you think it is supposed to look like? Do you see yourself as a working writer or aspiring or hobbyist, and if latter two, what does that look like?

If you followed the link from the Insecure Writer’s Group blog post to get here, there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of me. And you haven’t read any of the eight books I’ve published so far. But that doesn’t make me any less of a working writer.

I’m not making a living off my writing. Heck, I’m lucky if I break even when it comes to the end of the year. The number of people following me on any of the social media is low. But none of that diminishes the fact that I sit down at my computer on a regular basis and work to put words on paper.

And that’s what it takes for me to consider myself a working writer. I’m trying. Well, I’m more than trying. I’m doing. I wrote four books before I wrote one I considered good enough to publish. And I didn’t feel any less of a writer while I was writing them.

Maybe you don’t write books. Maybe you write short stories or poems or blog posts. You’re still a writer. A working writer.

Not all of us will ever be traditionally published. Some of us don’t want to be. And that’s okay. That’s no longer the definition of a writer. The world is a lot bigger now. (And, at the same time, a lot smaller.) 

So, I go back to my previous statement. Are you putting words on paper? (Or the computer equivalent?) Congratulations. You’re a working writer.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The awesome co-hosts for the October 7 posting of the IWSG are Jemima Pett, Beth Camp, Beverly Stowe McClure, and Gwen Gardner!

Welcome Kasper Beaumont & Her New Release

I am tickled pink to welcome Kasper Beaumont on the occasion of her new release, Captive of the Darkness. For my readers that aren’t familiar with you and your stories, introduce yourself, please.

Hi everyone, so nice to be here with PJ on the blog today. I’m Kasper, a dragon-loving, lightsaber-wielding fangirl who likes to write.

I guess things are quiet here in my sleepy little town in Australia, which causes my imagination to run wild. I write high fantasy books about a quest to restore the stolen Elven Jewel. And my new Captive of the Darkness book is an adult paranormal one about angels and demons in a strip club. Something for everyone in the family, I guess.

What book was most influential in your decision to become a writer yourself?

These kind of questions are always hard because I read so widely. Probably have to name Enid Blyton as an early influence. The Magic Faraway Tree and the Famous Five series.

What sorts of conditions are most conducive to your productivity?

Quiet times when no-one is around to distract me. I like to write in the wee hours of the morning or late at night. Also, I put a ban on Facebook until I finish a chapter. It’s a good incentive.

In your experience, what is the best thing about being an author?

Two-fold in my book. One, is bringing happiness to others when they read it. Two, is a lasting legacy after I’m gone. I like my family to be proud of me and the thought that a piece of me will live on.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Hand down it’s gotta be revisions. I do several self-edit passes on every book before they go to the editor. Only thing is, I’d much rather be writing.

Are you a plot driven or character driven writer? Why?

Do I have to choose? You’re being mean. Well sometimes I have a certain place to get to in the plot and I coerce my characters into behaving.

Other times there is total anarchy and the characters definitely call the shots. I had planned for the plot to veer a certain way but one of the characters becomes difficult to fit the script and we take a new tangent. That is sometimes where the best writing is discovered,

Tell us a little about your new release. Where did you get your inspiration?

It’s confession time, I see. The type of books I read is always subject to change on a whim or a good recommendation. Someone gave me the Fallen series to read and I loved it. The idea of angels and demons sprang into being there and soon morphed into the new Hidden Angel series. So far, I have finished book one: Captive of the Darkness. I also have book two written in draft form and the bare bones of a plot for book three. This series both excites and terrifies which is a thrilling way to write.

Thanks, Kasper. May your sales be plentiful!

Title: Captive of the Darkness

Author: Kasper Beaumont

Amazon link:

Release date: December 14th.  Preorder is now available.

In Kasper’s own words: 

On Riley’s 18th birthday, she is told she’s a demon hunter, like the rest of her family.  She shrugs the news off in disbelief but that very night she unwittingly enters the lair of a powerful demon and her whole world is turned upside down.

She meets a stripper nicknamed Cupid, who states he is prisoner of the demon.  He is a graceful ballet dancer forced into slavery but yearning to escape his dangerous master.  When she sees a glowing aura around this young man, she realizes he isn’t just any ordinary lad, but something very special.  She knows she must try to save him.

Can an angel be hiding here on Earth?

A veil of secrecy is lifted on Riley’s 18th birthday. She thought she knew the world, but now discovers she is a demon hunter. It doesn’t seem real, but then she meets Him, a charismatic young dancer with special powers.
He is a prisoner of a powerful demon.

What secrets does this stranger hide? Will Riley risk her own family to save Him?


Small sandy feet pounded the warm pavement along the beach.  His heartbeat thrummed in his ears, faster than he ever thought possible.  The whispering kept getting closer, no matter how far or fast he ran.  He swiped a cap from outside a shower cubicle.  It was rather large for his head, a perfect disguise.  This covered most of his blond hair and shaded his eyes.  He hoped to outwit whoever was chasing him.  Turning a corner, he dove into a shaded alleyway and bent over to catch his breath.  An aching side-stitch now caught his attention, winding him.  His hands trembled as they rested on shaking and weakened knees.  Turning his cap backwards, he held his breath and peeked a look around the corner.  There was no sign of pursuit.  He let his breath out and wiped the sweat cascading down his cheeks that had soaked his swim shirt.  Fear drove him on.  It was instinct, not a rational decision on his behalf.  Then all the hairs on his body stood up on end.  A cold shiver ran down his spine.  A shadow passed over him.  A whisper, quiet and close.  Warm breath could be felt on his neck.  He turned around slow.  His eyes widened as his hands grasped for the wall at his back.  There was nowhere left to run.  “Oh please no…”


Kasper J. Beaumont was born and raised in Australia and lives a quiet life with the family in a seaside town. Combining a love of fantasy and a penchant for travel in the Hunters of Reloria trilogy, she started to write on the urging of friends and family and enjoys watching readers become immersed in the magical world of Reloria. Kasper is a pen name for a rather shy author who is happy to remain unnamed.


The Hidden Angel series is a urban paranormal fantasy involving Angels and Demons in the seemingly ordinary city of Brisbane. Riley discovers she’s a demon hunter on her 18th birthday and enters a dangerous new world.
Book 1: Captive of the Captive, published 2019.

The Hunters of Reloria trilogy is about the magical world of Reloria where halflings and fairies share a lifelong bond. Dwarves, elves, knights and dragons inhabit this country, but their world is about to be invaded by scaly lizardmen and giant Cyclops.

Prequel: Fandri’s Adventures, published 2016.
Book 1: Elven Jewel, published 2012.
Book 2: Hunters’ Quest, published 2013
Book 3: Dragon’s Revenge, published 2014.

Kasper’s links: