Age Is Just A Number #OpenBook Blog Hop

April 1, 2024

How old is too old to be a writer? Too young?

A Google search provides the answer—or does it?

According to the site Infusionmedia, Lorna Page published her first novel at the tender age of 93, in 2008. But a quick Goodreads check shows books published under the same name as early as 1969, so that information is suspect. Still, lots of authors publish in their 70s and 80s.

Is there ever a too old? Like the saying goes, age is just a number. Several of us authors on this hop are retired and still writing. None of us seem to have any desire to quit, although from other blog posts it seems our output may have slowed as we take time to enjoy other aspects of life. (Ask Richard about his cooking adventures.)

How about being too young? Guinness named 4-year-old Saeed AIMheiri, who sold over 1000 copies of “The Elephant Saeed and the Bear” as the world’s youngest author. That’s more than some self-published authors sell of their books, and on the face of it, is pretty amazing.

What do I think?

I may no longer write at the same speed I once did, but I’m writing better, in my humble opinion. That counts for something. And I’m not ready to give up. Until I can’t see the computer screen, or hold a pen, I won’t be ready to stop. Even then, I expect I’ll still be scripting plots in my thoughts, and driving my husband nuts with my need for privacy to formulate those stories. Too old only happens when the writer can’t create a coherent sentence. And that isn’t age dependent.

Photo by furkanfdemir:

So, I don’t believe you can ever be too old to write. Or too young, with the right backing. But do the other authors on this hop agree with me? Find out by following the links as they show up, usually throughout Monday, but I bet most of them agree with me.

Anyway, until next time, please stay safe.

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April 1, 2024

How old is too old to be a writer? Too young?

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  1. Please cross-publish this on Medium in WE PAW Bloggers pub. Remember: submit it as a draft. Please use the tags/topics: Writers, Writers on Medium, Writers on Writing, Writing, and WE PAW Bloggers.

  2. The great thing about writing on a screen is the ability to blow the text size up and get all sorts of other aids to help you write. Like speech to text. Even if parts of me don’t work so well, I don’t see myself stopping just yet.

  3. Age really is just a number. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  4. Sure, there are physical changes that happen with age, but mental capacity can stay unchanged for much longer.

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