Trading Place #OpenBook Blog Hop

April 8, 2019

If you could trade lives with anyone for just one day, who would it be and why?

I had to really think about this one. Easy answer is that i’d like to be a guy for one day. I’m quite happy being who I am, but it would be great fun to experience being male.

Of course, I’d have to put all sorts of qualifiers on that. No drug addicts or alcoholics allowed, and preferably not a guy who is gay. After all, what I want to  experience is a day as a straight male, the opposite of me.

Since I’m using the process of elimination, I’ll stipulate i don’t want to switch with a guy under the age of 21. I want to remain a full-fledged adult. and healthy, please.

That still leaves what, about a third or more of the world’s population? So, to make it easier, let’s add in he needs to speak English. I don’t want to assume that knowledge of a different language comes with the switch.

What else? Oh, I don’t want it be be anyone famous. What a pain that would be. Nope, don’t want to deal with it.

So, that leaves me with a faceless male between the ages of 21 and 100. There’s still a lot of narrowing down to be done. Just because, I’ll say he’s either a writer or a techie. Now the field is getting smaller. And it can’t be anyone I know. Too complicated.

Now we’re getting somewhere. I don’t want to ruin this guy’s life forever, so I’ll stipulate that I can call in with a vacation day (as him) without getting him into trouble. That means he doesn’t have any urgent project deadlines in the next week or so. (Hey, if I’m going to take over his body, at least I can be considerate!)

Now I’m starting to have fun. So, let’s make this guy a little on the sexist side. Not an all-out-misogynist, but a guy who might learn something from being in a woman’s body for a day. (We are switching places, right?)

I think I’ve narrowed it down far enough. So, here’s to you, faceless Google drone. (That’s where I decided he works!) Enjoy your day away from the normal chaos. I hope you are up for an adventure.

Now, let’s find out who the rest of the authors are switching with!

Midnight bonus question: If you make love to the partner of the person you swapped places with, is it cheating?

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  1. I’m sure you could teach him a thing or two, P.J!

  2. I thought about swapping with a guy, making it a period day and needing to shave my legs, but then I decided that I needed the swappee to be voluntary, so I chose my daughter. Always up for an adventure, that one.

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