Killing Off Fictional Characters—#OpenBook Blog Hop

We’re talking about killing offf our fictional characters on the blog hop this way. And I have a confession to make.

In the first book I wrote, I killed off the main female character at the end of the book. This was a romance, mind you, She and the hero found love as older adults. But she didn’t die of old age, she died in a car crash that harkened back to a scene in the beginning of the book which led to their first meeting.

When I wrote the scene, I cried more than a few tears. I’d fallen in love with her myself. She was a woman who had been hurt more than once in life, and had finally found happiness again. To kill her off seemed true to the story, but it broke my heart.

I rewrote the book later—several times, actually—and eventually gave the female lead a happy ending, because I knew readers would hate me and the original ending. I never released that book—it had some serious plot difficulties I couldn’t fix, so don’t look for it on my author page. 🙂

So I’m not against killing off characters if the story demands it. In Wolves’ Knight, my main character, Tasha, is a warrior at heart. As a warrior and a wolf-shifter, if the situation demands that someone dies, she’ll do what it takes to protect her friends. She’s not necessarily bloodthirsty, just practical. Since it’s true to her nature, I think readers would be disappointed if she didn’t kill someone during the story.

The Oak Grove Mysteries are a different situatio. Mysteries traditionally have a  murder or two. In the first one, The Marquesa’s Necklace, I purposely set about to write a mystery in which no one died. There were a few situations that could have gone bad, but the characters always pulled through. The second book was different—I made the deliberate decision to start that one
off with a body. (By the way, I just put the second book, Her Ladyship’s Ring, on sale for 99¢ for a few days. I’m celebrating completing the first draft of the third book in the series, The Baron’s Cufflinks, And yes, this one has a murder as well.  So if you haven’t read it yet, now is your chance! If you check out the books page here on my blog, you can see where to buy it.  Books Page)

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that death is just a natural progression of the human experience. We’re all going to die sooner or later. So to have a character die in one of my stories feels entirely natural to me. Killing of a major character can be heartbreaking but at the same time necessary for the story.

How do you feel when an author kills of a character? Especially one you’ve grown fond of? Tell us in the comments. To find out how the other authors feel about it, follo w the links below.

October 17 – How do you feel about the death of fictional characters? These can be your own or those of other authors. How would you do it? Do you have a criteria for who can die? Would you ever kill off a named character?
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