A Plane Ticket to Anywhere—#OpenBook Blog Hop

Before I get started on this week’s topic, I want to apologize to anyone who might have missed me the last few weeks. I didn’t go totally off-grid, but my time and internet access were limited. I spent the time with my daughter and grandson, and wanted to savor every minute.

Which segues nicely into this week’s topic—if someone gave you a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

So many choices, so little time! In fact, can I get one of those tickets that you can use unlimited times? For the rest of your life? (They used to sell them!)

Because this is my blog, I can change the rules, Right? So you’re going to get the top three places I would visit.

First one would be right back to visit my daughter. Even though she’s in Florida and I just got back from there and she doesn’t have any electricity yet. Or maybe mostly because she doesn’t have any electricity! She’s got her hands full and I want to be there to help her. Luckily, no damage was done to her house. (The mailbox went missing, the wire that carries electricity to her house is damaged, and a tree in the backyard had to be taken down.) I assume you’ve seen the pictures of storm damage in Florida after the hurricane. She got off lucky compared to some nearby neighborhoods.

(Not my daughter’s home, thankfully)

In a dead heat for # 1 on my list would be a ticket to visit my mother. She’s still in the town where I grew up and since I admit to being an old fart, you can guess how old she is. Although we talk on a regular basis, it’s been too long since I’ve been back to visit her. She’s in good health, thank you, and I have no doubt she’s going to break her family’s record and live past 90. At least I hope so. Still, I need to get back there.

And now for the fantasy trip, # 3 on my list. Ireland. The home of my ancestors and generations of poets and writers. I’ve traveled extensively within the Unites States, but travel outside the country has been limited. Ireland has always topped my list of places I want to go.

I’ve been fascinated by the romantic descriptions of Ireland for years. From the old castles and their ancient lore to the mountains to the people themselves. The country calls to me.

Even back during “The Troubles” my desire to see Ireland didn’t fade. Sure, I plotted the “safe” places to go visit and worried if anyplace was truly safe, but decided I wouldn’t pass up a trip if I could make it happen. To this day, the opportunity hasn’t happened, but Ireland is still at the top of my fantasy list.

To find out where the other authors would like to visit, see the links below. And tell me where you’d want to go in the comments, if you want. 🙂

October 10 – If someone gave you a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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  1. I've been to the wonderful town of Dublin, and can't wait to go again. A cousin used to live in Belfast, and I've been there too. Glad to hear your daughter is okay.

  2. Ireland was up there on my list too. There's just so many places I would like to see. Florida got off lucky, mostly Cat 1 winds. Still, you couldn't pay me to live along that coast. I don't mind severe weather, so long as it is predictable. I'll live with earthquakes instead of hurricanes.

  3. Ireland looks amazing. I'd love to go there as well.

  4. It's lovely there. The people are amazing. It felt like home, even looked like home, but it smelled old. It was crazy the smell of the air. That was in Adaire, so I don't know if it was something unique to the town or all over, because the smell just faded with the first day.

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