Bucket List – Open Book Blog Hop

Welcome to this week’s version of the Open Book Blog Hop, where you can find out more about our merry gang of authors. This week, we’re talking about our bucket lists. If there’s anything in particular you’d like us share, please let us know in the comments.

I’m a live-each-day-as-it-comes kind of person, so I’ve never had a bucket list.The way my life has played out, I’ve had the opportunity to do things that I’m guessing other people would envy.

I’ve played on Florida’s beaches from Jacksonville and all the way  along the coast to Panama Beach.  Not all in one trip, but over the years too-many I lived in that state. Some were impressive, others not so much. I certainly didn’t see all of them, but I walked on quite a few.

I’ve lived on both the East and West Coasts. I’ve traveled across the continental United States for work, and have been in almost every state. But I was working, so I didn’t have the chance to do much exploring. Still, I can claim I was there.

I’ve changed careers several times. I say I didn’t find what I wanted to do with my life until I was over 40 years old. And although I love what I do, I make no promises I won’t change jobs again.

But there are still a few things I’d like to do.

I’d like to make a mini-tour in tribute to John Denver. There will be only a couple of stops on that trip—Red Rocks near Denver where the John Denver tribute statue is located, the Colorado Music Hall of Fame, and of course Aspen, Colorado. 

I’d like to write a best seller. Maybe that’s more of a pipe dream than a bucket list item, but hey, I can dream, can’t I? I’m working in it, anyway. Maybe my next book. I can imagine walking into a book store and seeing a whole shelf of my books. And If I had Photoshop, I could make it happen!

Someday, I’d like to travel to Ireland, where my mother’s ancestors originated. The land has always held a certain attraction for me. Probably because I believe in magic and Ireland holds a mystical charm.

So do you have a bucket list? Tell us about it in the comments.

Before you click on another link and head over to another blog, don’t forget to check out Lela Markham’s books. You can find them on Amazon HERE. I wonder if Ireland is on her bucket list too. 

Don’t forget to check back in next week and find out what we’re talking about then.

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  1. This group is really down to Earth with their lists. Nothing, in my mind, is really all that unattainable, which you list. Even the best seller wish, because you are already working on that. Keep persevering. You're going to check quite a few of these off, I'm sure. I was able to go to Ireland in 2000. It was a good trip–it's good to go to the roots.

  2. I love your post P.J. I agree with Kelly…I think we all have some doable items on our lists. We should check in with each other on our progress periodically.

  3. I've been to Ireland and can confirm it's a beautiful part of the world. I want a ticket for the John Denver tour please!

  4. I also want to go to Ireland. Part of my people. 🙂 I felt pretty at home in Scotland when I visited, so I wonder if it would be similar there.

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