Three Things About Me- Open Book Blog Hop

Welcome everyone, no matter where you came from! 

This week’s topic: Tell us three things about you. What makes you unique? How would people describe you? Tell us something we don’t know about you.

You’d think for a writer answering these questions would be easy. After all, we spend hours building characters and trying to make them believable to for our readers.  But I’m an introvert (Aha! Number 1!) and I don’t like to talk about myself. Plus I’m a private person and am very selective I’ve what I share about myself. So these questions are actually tough for me to answer.

I like to think of myself as a bundle of contradictions. You’ll see what I mean.

Let’s start with something easy. I didn’t touch my first computer until I was over 30 years old. Now I earn my living sitting in front of a computer screen as a systems analyst. But I also did a stint as a computer tech, repairing computers and supporting users. (Yes, I was Help Desk. That’s a double contradiction—an older woman doing a job normally held by young guys.) And when I’m home, I’m sitting in front of a computer, writing!

To make it it even more complicated, I’m an old hippie chick. No, I didn’t make it to Woodstock or San Francisco. But I did make skirts out of my old blue jeans, I grew my own food and canned or froze the harvest. I’ve sewn shirts completely by hand, and decorated them with colorful embroidery. I’ve even been known to wear tie-die shirts and headbands.I tried to teach myself to play guitar, but I never learned more than a couple of songs.

Whew, that’s three things,right? What, the introvert thing doesn’t count? Sigh. All right, one more. This one related to my writing.

I never imagined myself writing a paranormal romance. Heck, I wrote poetry, not books. But when the stories started coming, there was no way to put a stop to them. So I wrote Wolves’ Pawn, figured I got the paranormal thing out of my system and started writing mysteries. But no, Tasha, one of the minor characters in Wolves’ Pawn, DEMANDED I write her story. So I am. My next book will be Wolves’ Knight, Tasha’s Tale. I’m hoping for an October release date. Then maybe I’ll be able to get back to Harmony Duprie and her adventures. (Want to see my books? Check out the My Books link.)

If there’s anything you’d like to our authors to answer, leave a comment. We’re always looking for fresh topics.

And before you take off to read what another author has to say about this week’s topic, don’t forget to check out Christine Ardigo’s books. You can find them HERE

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  1. I'm a bit of a hippie too. I can play a few songs on the guitar, but it was my son who mastered the wailing solos!

  2. Very interesting Pj, Your background and interests are so varied! I'm impressed with your guitar playing efforts. A lot of great story telling material…I can see some great character traits.

  3. In Alaska we call them granolas — people who (usually) live without running water and (try) to grow their own food and hang out at the folk fests (which we all go to) wearing homemade clothes and nibbling edibles when they think nobody is looking. I've tried all of those items at some point in my life, but not all at the same time, so I don't qualify for the title granola.

    I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but my husband has taught me the same song a dozen times and then summer comes, I don't practice and I have to start all over again.


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