Welcome to The Rise of Jake Hennessey

I’ve finally decided on a release date for the last book in the Harmony Duprie world. Unless fate interferes, The Rise of Jake Hennessey will be released on May 17th.

Book Description: 

For 22 years, semi-retired jewel thief Jake Hennessey honored his promise to stay away from Harmony Duprie. He has no plans to change that… until Special Agent Doan Houck saunters into Jake’s bar, claiming Harmony’s life is in danger.

She’s not the only one in jeopardy. Jake is run over by a motorcycle and is the target of a drive-by shooting. He doesn’t know who to trust. Not the feds Not the local cops.

Not even Harmony.

But Jake will do anything to protect his ex-lover. Even if it means matching wits with an FBI agent, revealing old secrets, or ending up in prison. Again.

If it comes down to saving his life or Harmony’s, there is no choice at all.

Watch this space for the cover reveal, coming soon.

Do Dragonflies Count? Animals in Writing #OpenBook Blog Hop


March 27, 2023
What is your favorite animal and why? Have you ever included it in one of your stories?

Do dragonflies count? They aren’t really animals, but if I have to pick my favorite non-human creature, dragonflies would be my choice.

I know there are people who are scared of them, but not me. I admire them. The way their mostly transparent wings flash in the sunlight, the variety of colors, the way they can effortlessly maneuver from spot to spot. I’ve been known to rescue one when it got trapped in a building. (That’s not easy!)

My favorite encounter with dragonflies was one warm summer day when an empty field near our home was filled with dragonflies. There were hundreds of them, darting from one blade of grass to another. They were only there for a short time, but I enjoyed the moment.

Have I ever used a dragonfly in a book? Surprisingly, no. I actually went back and checked several of them. (Note to me: figure out how to include dragonflies in a future book! Shifters maybe? Would their lifespan be a problem? )
How about our other authors? Do they include their favorite animal in their books? Follow the links below to find out.

Until next time, please stay safe.
March 27, 2023
What is your favorite animal and why? Have you ever included it in one of your stories?
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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
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A Day In The Life #OpenBook Blog Hop

March 20, 2923

Tell us about the day in the life of one of your characters.

 After a restless night, my morning routine soothed my frazzled nerves. Start the coffee pot, shower, towel dry my hair, slip into a comfortable pair of jeans and a random blouse from the closet, pour myself a cup of coffee, one sugar, no cream, run downstairs to grab the newspaper, and sit on the bottom step to glance through it. That was my summer routine anyway. I didn’t sit outside in the winter naturally. The local paper, The Herald, tried hard to cover local news, but not much happens in Oak Grove anymore. I’d been in it too much.
   Piper came to greet me, sticking his nose through the chain-link face. Most days, I brought a doggy-biscuit with me, but he doesn’t care on the rare days I forgot. He was happy to have me scratch the top of his head. Some days I swear he purred when I got it just right.
   I sipped the coffee and watched the sun rise.
The Marquesa’s Necklace

Harmony Duprie lives a quiet, routine life and likes it that way. Monday through Friday, she goes to work at the library, helping patrons, comes home, and reads. (She’s a research librarian, with a specialty in Victorian-era history.) Wednesdays nights, she goes out with her friends for supper and a few drinks. Thursday is her day to go grocery shopping, Saturday is her day to deep clean her little apartment, on the third floor of a Victorian-era home, and prep her meals for the next week. (She is somewhat of a neat freak.) Sunday is her day to relax, perhaps help her landlords in their garden, or go for a long car ride to nowhere in particular.

She dates occasionally, but the pool of bachelors in the small town of Oak Grove is pretty slim and she hasn’t found anyone that makes her heart flutter as much as finding a rare book in one of the town’s pawnshops does.

All of that changes when Jake Hennessey wanders into her life and she ends up getting charged for trafficking drugs.

That’s a day in the life of Harmony Duprie. To find out more,  go here:   https://www.pjmaclayne.com/?page_id=232 To get more days in the life of. . . from other authors, just follow the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

March 20, 2923

Tell us about the day in the life of one of your characters.

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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
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Perspective in Writing – Author’s Choice #OpenBook Blog Hop



March 6, 2023

Do you have advice for changing perspective? For example, switching from writing exclusively in third person and switching to first person? Or do you have a reason for staying with the perspective you do?

The first book I set out to write, (one that will never be published,) I rewrote four times before calling it quits. I changed perspective twice in that process. The first two versions were third person past tense, the third version was in first person, then I switched back to third person. It was a great learning process. Frustrating, perhaps, but publishing the story was never a consideration, so I could ‘play’ with how the characters interacted with no deadline to interfere.

What the experience taught me was that I can write in either perspective. Which one I choose is dictated by the story. For example, in its original form, what turned into The Marquesa’s Necklace started out in third person. I didn’t get very far into that version before realizing it was all wrong for the story that was taking shape, and switched to first person.

On the other hand, The Free Wolves’ books are all written in third person. They started that way and never changed. 

What advice do I have for writers wanting to switch? If you want to, do it! Yes, I know you’ll find readers who don’t like to read first person. You’ll also find readers that prefer it.

Something to consider—In first person, you can only see characters and action through one set of eyes at a time. As the author, you have to use dialogue or show physical cues from other characters to allow your main character to know what everyone else is thinking. I think that restriction is useful in helping to prevent head-hopping. On the other side, it may be a good tool for diving deeply into the internal thoughts of the speaker.

One minor thing: I’ve seen it done way too often. If you are writing in first tense, please, oh please, don’t have your main character look into a mirror or a pool of water or whatever to describe themselves. Just don’t.

What to be aware of if you’re moving from first to third person? I have to pay close attention to be sure I don’t head-hop for a sentence or two. It can also be easy to slip into the voice of an omniscient narrator. You, as the author, may know something that your characters and readers don’t know and it can be hard to not include it. 

I haven’t tried some of the lesser-used points of view, like second person and fourth person. (Yes, that exists, but it’s rare.) It’ll be interesting to find out if any one else in this hop has used them. To find out, follow the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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March 6, 2023

Do you have advice for changing perspective? For example, switching from writing exclusively in third person and switching to first person? Or do you have a reason for staying with the perspective you do?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

A Picture is Worth – You Know The Rest #IWSG

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

The awesome co-hosts for the February 1 posting of the IWSG are Jacqui Murray, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Gwen Gardner!

February 1 question – If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers or purchase them? If you publish trad, how much input do you have about what goes on your cover?

Yes, I am an indie writer. It’s a decision I made back when I first entered the wild world of publishing. I knew from the beginning that I was not qualified to create covers. When it comes to fonts and color shading and perspective, I’m lost. Luckily, I had a resource that knew all that. She’s designed all my covers. Thank you so much, K.M. Guth!

Thanks to the joys of video conferencing, I’ve been able to watch her weave her magic. It amazes me, frankly, how she can morph things to suit her needs. She’ll ask for my input, but I normally defer to her as the expert. Now and then, I’ll spot something she missed, but that doesn’t happen very often.

Many of the covers she’s designed for me are below. 

Check out some of the other talented folks on this hop by clicking on the links below.

Until next time, please stay safe.


As Stealthy as Jake Hennessey #OpenBook Blog Hop

Jan 30, 2023

Are there other writers you ‘stalk’ on social media? Who and why?

First, let me explain the title of this blog post. Jake Hennessey is the main character in my WIP, The Rise of Jake Hennessey. Here’s a line from Chapter One.

“She hasn’t spotted me for twenty-two years, and I wasn’t going to let it happen now.”

Now, Jake doesn’t consider it stalking. He’s keeping a protective eye on Harmony, his cousin’s widow, that’s all. Oh, and the fact that she’s his ex-lover has nothing to do with it. (Yes, it’s complicated.)

Seriously, I don’t have the time or energy sink into that kind of drama. I barely keep up with the authors I follow on Facebook. (Although I blame FB for that. Too many ads, and not enough posts from the people I follow.) There’s one author I followed regularly who just dropped from my feed. (It took me a  while to realize it. And yes, I ‘followed’ her, not just liked her. ) Shoot, the algorithm doesn’t even show me everything my husband posts!

I also get newsletters from a number of authors. Too many, perhaps, because I get overwhelmed and don’t pay enough attention to them. We won’t even discuss my apathy towards Twitter, MeWe, and Instagram.

So, unlike Jake, I utterly fail at ‘stalking’ my fellow authors.  Let’s find out if anyone else on this hop is better at it. Just follow the links below.

Until next time, please stay safe!

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Jan 30, 2023

Are there other writers you ‘stalk’ on social media? Who and why?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.



Searching for Hidden Treasures #OpenBook Blog Hop


Jan 23, 2023

Do you include any inside jokes or Easter eggs in your work?

I have a weird sense of humor. What I find funny is not the same as most other people. So, although I’ve tried to incorporate humor into my books, I don’t know if it works. Hopefully, there will be places where readers chuckle, but that’s the most I can hope for.

‘Easter eggs’ are another story. You can blame it on my day job manager. (Back before I retired.) We were discussing the differences between the first book I released (Wolves’ Pawn) and the second (The Marquesa’s Necklace.) He laughingly suggested that Eli, my male main character, be revealed as a shifter. While that didn’t happen—although I considered it—it sparked an idea. Thanks, Danny!

I decided the two books were based in the same ‘world’ and I wrote in subtle references to the shifter series in my mystery books. For example, there’s this passage:

I was the only person out of place at the bar/restaurant. All the regulars knew each other’s names, but the occasional tourist like me was welcomed. The person who seemed most out of place was my waitress, Dot. Her hair was dyed with bright blue streaks.                                

That’s a reference to Dot McKenzie, my main character in Wolves’ Pawn.

I had so much fun with that, I made it a point to include references to my shifters, not always so hidden. In The Baron’s Cufflinks, I wrote: : 

As I glanced down, I noticed what appeared to be a leather-bound book half-buried under some old college textbooks. I set them aside, picked it up, and with my other hand, rubbed my forehead in puzzlement. As thick as the volume was, it should have weighed more.
I ran one finger across the gold-embossed title. Wolf’s Knight, Tasha’s Tale. Another unknown. I gingerly lifted the cover, half-afraid the book would fall apart.
The book was hollowed out to create a hiding place. Inside the empty space was a small, purple velvet covered box. I hesitated for the briefest of moments before taking the box out and setting it on top of the nearest stack of books.

By the way, I didn’t mean for it to happen, but that passage is what inspired the book, Wolves’ Knight. I came up with the title and then Tasha wouldn’t leave me alone—I stopped writing The Baron’s Cufflinks in order to tell Tasha’s story.

I got carried away in The Samurai’s Inro, and had Eli Hennessey from the Harmony series and Gavin Fairwood from the Free Wolves adventures involved together in a minor subplot. They both work with computer software, so it seemed natural they’d run into each other.

There were a couple of other Easter eggs I planted in The Harmony books. Each contained a reference to Harmony taking care of the African Violets she’s received from her mother. That was done as a tribute to my mother, who kept African Violets for many years. The other continuing reference are mentions of John Denver.

The Easter eggs were a one-way street. I didn’t include links to Harmony in the Free Wolves books. But I feel like I still have one more story to add to that series, so there’s still time!


Do other authors on this hop include Easter eggs or inside jokes? Find out by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

Jan 23, 2023

Do you include any inside jokes or Easter eggs in your work?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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When the Fire Alarm Goes Off #OpenBook Blog Hop

Jan 9, 2023

Have you or any of your characters experienced cooking disasters?

I can imagine the scene. Harmony Duprie is in the middle of making her almost-world famous spaghetti when Eli calls. She stirs the sauce as they discuss their days, when he mentions changes the Mouse House is making to one of their oldest rides. She rushes to her computer to look up the history of the ride and then transitions to looking for information on the oldest ride still operating in the United States. The sauce, simmering on the stove, is forgotten. They move on to other topics—perhaps his next planned visit—and by the time she drags herself back to the real world, the sauce has scorched.

It didn’t happen—at least, I never wrote that scene. So, maybe it did happen and Harmony never told me about it. She knows how to keep secrets.

I’ve had a few cooking disasters in my personal life, but I blame them on inferior cookstoves. It’s hard to get a sheet of cookies done right when the front of the stove cooks slower than the back. I’m grateful our new place has a gas stove, and it cooks evenly. It’s also nice to have instant on and off on the burners, and I can control the temperature. The words I use to describe electric stoves run on the impolite side.

What’s the worst cooking disaster I’ve ever had? I burnt a pot of beans once. I had the burner a touch too high, and the liquid boiled off. Talk about smelly! (I think I was on the couch, reading, and not paying attention.) The beans were ruined, and supper plans changed that night, but at least I rescued it before it set off the smoke alarm.

How about you? What’s your worst cooking story? And to find out what disasters our other writers have written about, check out the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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Jan 9, 2023

Have you or any of your characters experienced cooking disasters?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


Adding Local Flavor #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dec 12, 2022

Tell us about something local to where you live. Have you ever made it part of your stories?

I use local scenery in my stories all the time. While the world my characters live in may be a figment of my imagination, the geography that they interact with is often real-world. A great example of this is the library where my character Harmony Duprie spends much of her time.

I’ve mentioned it before. It’s one of the Carnegie libraries, and based on the library in the town where I grew up. They aren’t exact matches, but close enough to count. It’s featured in most of the Harmony Duprie Mysteries. Make sense, since Harmony was a librarian there.


That’s not the only building I’ve used. My aunt and uncle owned a large Victorian-era house, and they rented the third floor to a lady. And there’s my inspiration for Harmony’s apartment. The area has plenty of true Victorian homes, and it was logical to include them when ‘building’ Oak Grove, the fictional city in the books.

I’ve had to eliminate some local lingo from my writing. Words that are part of everyday speech but not well-known outside of the area. (Check out this link if you’re interested – Pittsburghese )

One or two words may sneak in, but I work hard to replace them with standard US words. (when I spot them!)

I guess I should mention the one book that doesn’t take place in Western Pennsylvania/Ohio. Wolves’ Gambit was meant to start in Wyoming and move back east, but the move never happened. So, I sprinkled the story with references to that state, where there are more cattle than people. (A great place for wolf shifters to hang out.) evil’s Tower, Yellowstone, Gillette, Casper. I tried to work in Meeteetse and Chugwater, but they didn’t work out. Neither did Buford, a dot on the map that had a population of 1 for awhile. But I did mention tumbleweed!

That’s how I get local references into my stories. It’ll be interesting to see how the other authors do it. I’ll be checking out their posts by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

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Dec 12, 2022

Tell us about something local to where you live. Have you ever made it part of your stories?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.