Top Five Writing Events 2023 #OpenBook Blog Hop

Dec 11, 2023

Tell us the top five best things that have happened to you in the past year. (Focus on writing, but other things are allowed!)

1. The release of The Rise of Jack Hennessey.
This story was a passion project. Although the Harmony Duprie Mysteries officially ended with The Ranger’s Dog Tags, I knew in my heart that the story wasn’t over. Harmony, Eli, and Jake couldn’t just fade into the sunset. There was more to the overall story, and it could only be told through the eyes of Jake.

For 22 years, semi-retired jewel thief Jake Hennessey honored his promise to stay away from Harmony Duprie. He has no plans to change that… until Special Agent Doan Houck saunters into Jake’s bar, claiming Harmony’s life is in danger.

2. Finishing the first draft of Book One of The Edwards Agency (the new version).
Or maybe The Edwards Investigations, Book One, The Rimer File. (Is that too long?) I’m still determining the title. This book has been in the works for over a decade. The first story was written as part of a NaNoWriMo project and has been reworked several times. But I knew it wasn’t ‘right.’ I took the story in a different direction, so the current draft is more of an homage to the first attempt than a revision. The ending still doesn’t have the ‘punch’ it needs, but I keep reworking it in my head and it’s getting there.

It started as a romance and has turned in a noir female PI tale set in Pittsburgh PA in the mid-1980s. My graphic artist says it’s so noir it’s black.

3. The many local events I took part in.
I didn’t sell huge numbers at any one event, but the cumulative numbers are satisfying. I know which ones I want to repeat and the new ones I want to try next year. As always, the best part of selling at events in the amazing people I meet.

4. Hitting the top #100
I hit the top #100 in three minor categories on Amazon with The Fall of Jake Hennessey on April 30. The book made it up to #11 in Heist Crime, #14 in Heist Thrillers, and #39 in Crime Action & Adventure. It didn’t stay there, but it made my day.

5. A non-writing related one
Now that I’m back in western Pennsylvania, I’m reconnecting with my siblings. Oh, we kept in contact through social media, but I didn’t realize how much I missed being able to sit and talk with them face-to-face. Heck, I’m close enough to be able to drop in for a chat without having to drive cross-country!

And there they are – my top five best things for the year. What good things have been part of your life this past year? And check out the other authors by following the links.

Until next time, please stay safe!

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How It Started…Origin Stories #OpenBook Blog Hop

Nov 13, 2023

Do you have an ‘origin’ story for any of your stories? Where do your ideas come from?

I’ve told this story many times. The Marquesa’s Necklace, the first book in my Harmony Duprie mysteries, started off as a paranormal romance called The Ghost Who Loved Me. It was a take on The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, a TV series from the late 1960s. I don’t remember ever following the show, but I must have caught bits and pieces of an episode or two. That may have been during a period when the family didn’t have a working TV. (Not because my parents couldn’t afford one, they just didn’t think we needed one.)

But back to The Ghost Who Loved Me. . . Harmony was created as a librarian in a small town library who encounters a ghost in the stacks. Eli. Of course, it takes her a bit to figure out he’s a ghost. You can still see throwbacks to that plot in the book.

It was difficult to judge because I was sitting on the floor, but I guessed him to be taller than me. His wavy sand-brown hair was the perfect length to run my fingers through, although I had no expectation of that ever happening. His clothes—white shirt, brown slacks and brown blazer with elbow patches—reminded me of a college professor out of a movie from the 1970s. As he turned and I could see his eyes, the cell phone is my jeans pocket vibrated. By the time I looked back up from the screen, he’d disappeared.

That’s when I ran into him the second time. I was doing my normal thing of walking through the 940s with my nose in a book and I almost bumped into him. A sudden rush of cold air made me stop in my tracks and look up into a pair of eyes such a light blue they were almost gray.

“Oops, sorry about that.” I reached out to stop myself from falling, but he backed away. I managed to latch onto a shelf instead, so I didn’t end up with my face on the floor. My book did fall, and he bent over and picked it up. Without so much as a smile, he handed it to me and walked away without a word. Annoyed, I stood there with my mouth open and watched him turn the corner and vanish from my view. As I returned to my book, I smelled the most unusual thing. I don’t know if it was his aftershave or what, but it made me think of freshly-turned dirt.

Anyway, Harmony and Eli wouldn’t stand for it, and they let me know in no uncertain terms that Eli was flesh and blood. He had reasons for his elusive nature, which were revealed by the end of the story. The plot also went from romance to mystery, although a romantic subplot remained. As a tribute to the beginnings, I often added in a touch of paranormal to the mysteries. The house that Harmony renovated had a ghost that inhabited the third floor. Or was that just the old house creaking in the wind?

I still love the original title. Maybe I’ll use it for another book.

Bonus story: But in that first book, I also introduced Jake Hennessey, Eli’s cousin and Harmony’s ex. He was meant to be a throwaway character. One and done.

And what did he do? Turn up in book two, Her Ladyship’s Ring. He invited himself in, grabbed a beer, took a seat, and hung out for the rest of the series, getting in my way. I tried to write him out numerous times. but he kept coming back.

For example, in The Baron’s Cufflinks:

“Call me when you get there.” I leaned into the Charger planning to kiss Jake on the cheek. His trunk and back seat were stuffed with suitcases, boxes, and bags of his clothes and belongings, and I worried he’d have a hard time seeing traffic around him.

He turned his head at just the wrong moment and I ended up kissing his nose. Jake being Jake, couldn’t resist the opportunity. He pulled my head down farther and planted a big, juicy kiss on my lips. “If you ever get tired of Eli, you know how to reach me,” he said, grinning. “Chicago isn’t that far away.”

But later in the story

Still mapping out my plans for the morning—where would I park? Did I need to buy a pair of binoculars first?—I pulled into the parking lot of the bar I’d chosen for a drink. Just one, to get the lay of the land. It looked like the kind of place where cheaters would go. A little on the trashy side, but not taken over by meth-heads. A place where a private eye might hang out to catch a straying spouse in the act.

And there, holding court at the bar, was the last person I expected to see.


That wasn’t what I’d planned. Not even close. But it worked and I went with it.

When I finished The Ranger’s Dog Tags, the last book in the Harmony series, I was ready to move on. I had two different stories I was toying with. I even started one. Then Jake happened. He popped into my head and informed me I was going to write his tale. I told him he’d lost his turn when he refused to talk to me several years earlier, when I tried to figure out his origin. He just grinned and told me nope, I wouldn’t be able to shove him aside. What’s a writer supposed to do? So, I wrote The Fall Of Jake Hennessy, followed by The Rise of Jake Hennessey. 


Check out the origin stories from the other authors on this hop by following the links below.

As always, please stay safe until next time.


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Love it or Hate It, We All Need Help #OpenBook Blog Hop


May 29, 2023

We’ve talked blurbs before. Do you have any tips for writing blurbs?

Action words. Lots of action words. Limit passive words as much as possible. There isn’t a way to get rid of all of them, but careful word crafting can eliminate many of them.

Of course, the order you put those words in is important. That’s the tough part. I don’t remember how many revisions the blurb of my most recent release went thru, and how many people chipped in to help me fine-tune it. I have four files with different names and different versions. Blurb new, blurb new version, Rise blurb, and blurb final. Each file (except for the final one) has two or three drafts of the blurb.

The purpose of a blurb is to hook a potential reader by introducing the problem and hinting at the solution, without giving too much away. That’s my struggle-finding the line between the two.

Along with the blurb comes writing the tagline. Yes, there are folks who develop it before they ever start penning the story, but I often discover the tagline amid figuring out the blurb.

Here are a few of the taglines that were suggested for The Rise of Jake Hennessey: I have used 3 out of the 4 in publicity.

  • He’s a good man with an illegal hobby…
  • What does a semi-retired jewel thief do in his spare time? Help the victims of abuse disappear and start new lives, of course.
  • So much for retirement
  • Jake Hennessey: Bar owner (twice). Jewel thief (retired… almost). He’s a good guy, it’s just his hobby that’s illegal. Mostly. OK, completely.

So, my biggest tip for writing a blurb and tagline? Don’t be afraid to get assistance. It doesn’t even have to be from other authors, although they are a great resource. My cover artist has a great ear and helps me with both blurbs and taglines as well as creates brilliant covers.

I can’t reveal any great secrets for blurbs because I don’t know any! My best advice is revise, revise, revise. But perhaps some of the others on this blog hop can help. Check out their posts by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

May 29, 2023

We’ve talked blurbs before. Do you have any tips for writing blurbs?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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I Never Learned How To #OpenBook Blog Hop

May 22, 2023

What skill do you wish you had, either as a hobby or career builder?

As a teenager, I never got the hang of knitting. I learned how to crochet, but it wasn’t something I ever cared about. My thing was needlepoint, and I was good at it. But now that I am old, I have no desire to try knitting again.

I tried to learn how to split logs, but couldn’t aim correctly. Now I’m no longer strong enough. Besides, the new house has a gas fireplace, not a wood one.

Back in the days of singer-songwriters, I wanted to learn to play guitar and started teaching myself. That was in pre-internet days, and there were no YouTube videos to watch. It was a matter of looking at diagrams in books to figure out where to place my fingers on the strings. I mastered one chord before I had a bicycle accident and started to lose my hearing in one ear. I also had an arm in a sling and that made holding a guitar impossible. Then, I moved halfway across the country to go to college and my guitar got left behind.

But that’s what I’d like to do. Learn to play a musical instrument – even though my hearing is getting worse as I get older. I don’t know if there’d be something easier, but I’d be happy with a guitar. I’d start with “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay.” The chording for that is fairly simple. Even with my bad ear, I could play it. With today’s electronic tuners, i should be able to tune the strings!

Of course, the hearing loss has also made it difficult to sing in tune. So, I’d have to be content is being the backup for people who can sing.

I’m looking forward to hearing from the other authors on this hp about what skill they wish they had. You can find out by following the links below.

Until next time, please stay safe.

PS Don’t forget, The Rise of Jake Hennessey is now available! 


May 22, 2023

What skill do you wish you had, either as a hobby or career builder?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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Jake Is Back, One More Time #NewRelease

So much for retirement

For 22 years, semi-retired jewel thief Jake Hennessey honored his promise to stay away from Harmony Duprie. He has no plans to change that… until Special Agent Doan Houck saunters into Jake’s bar, claiming Harmony’s life is in danger.

She’s not the only one in jeopardy. Jake is run over by a motorcycle and is the target of a drive-by shooting. He doesn’t know who to trust. Not the feds Not the local cops.

Not even Harmony.

But Jake will do anything to protect his ex-lover. Even if it means matching wits with an FBI agent, revealing old secrets, or ending up in prison. Again.

If it comes down to saving his life or Harmony’s, there is no choice at all.


It’s been a decade since Jake Hennessey first appeared. He was supposed to be a background character, but he defied expectations and hung around through all of Harmony Duprie’s adventures. Then, of course, he wanted to tell his own story. I hope I’ve done him justice.

Here’s an excerpt:

Cloaked by the musty curtains of his third hotel room, Jake studied the traffic on the street below. He knew every unmarked car owned by the Oak Grove police, and two of them patrolled the neighborhood. Despite their presence, he’d been unable to determine their encrypted channel on the hacker’s scanner.

He turned away from the window, walked to the bedside table, and poured a second drink from the bottle Danny had left at the front desk. Doc Gabe would be upset with him, but Jake figured he deserved the break from abstinence. The doc had sighed while he studied the damage to Jake’s cast, and muttered something about sending him to a nursing home in Pittsburgh. It had been an empty threat.

Even flirting with Trina and Belinda at the clinic hadn’t eased his restlessness, and Jake paced as he sipped his whiskey. He planned meticulously for his heists, analyzing every contingency, leaving room for changing circumstances. It offered him a sense of control. He craved control. The current situation offered none.

He drained the glass and tilted his head up, letting the harsh liquid burn the back of his throat. A small, black spider wove a web where the wall and ceiling met. Jake had heard rumors about the Feds developing the technology to use robotic insects to bug a room, but not that they could spin silk. It seemed safe to ignore the spider.

You can buy the book at these on-line stores


Nook (B&N)



Apple is taking a bit to take the book live, but you can get it on pre-order.


Teaching A Lesson in Fiction #OpenBook Blog Hop


May 1, 2023

Does every book have to have a moral?

Early in the story, I had a beta reader ask me what the moral of my coming-soon ‘The Rise of Jake Hennessey’ was. I admit, I had to stop and think about it. Did the story have one? I didn’t plan on it. All I set out to do was bring the story of Jake, Eli, and Harmony to a satisfying conclusion. There’s no moral. I wrote it for entertainment only.

Could I stretch things to find a moral? I can find lots of platitudes – right over wrong, love will find a way, crime doesn’t pay — although this is Jake we are dealing with, so the last one doesn’t count. But a moral?

But Jake is an anomaly. A good man with an illegal hobby. Let’s talk about some of my other books. Do they have morals?

Not on purpose. Again, I can come up with lots of platitudes. Love conquers all. Everybody needs someone. He who laughs last, laughs best. But a moral?

Again, I am writing for entertainment. The Free Wolves have some underlying themes that are ‘heavier,’ but they aren’t the major thrust of the stories. The Harmony Duprie books are more lighthearted. They are mysteries, but there isn’t a murder in every book. I do like breaking rules. I guess that’s why Jake and I get along.

So no, I don’t believe every book has to have a moral. What about our other authors? Find out by following the links below.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.

(if you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the cover of The Rise of Jake Hennessey, releasing on May 17th.


May 1, 2023

Does every book have to have a moral?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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On Sale! The Fall of Jake Hennessey

Have you read it? You should, before the release of The Rise of Jake Hennessey.

And it’s on sale for 99¢ for a short time.

Here’s a quick excerpt:

The flash of metal reflecting a blinking neon beer sign in the front window had Jake on his feet and halfway across the bar in a second.

“Settle down, Duane,” the bartender said, backing up a few feet.

Jake recognized Duane’s type. Too skinny, pockmarks in his face, scabs on his arms, shaking so hard Jake didn’t know how he remained standing. If Duane was crashing, he became doubly dangerous.

Chairs scraped as other customers moved out of reach of the steak knife Duane waved, aiming at everyone and no one. There’d be no happy ending to the situation, at least as far as Jake foresaw. He circled to get in behind Duane.

“Put down the knife,” said one of his friends from several feet away.

“Take it easy,” said the other.

Duane didn’t pay attention. The weapon traced aimless circles in the air. He advanced two steps closer towards the bartender. “Don,” he slurred. “Don cheat me.”

“Nobody’s cheating anybody,” the bartender said. “Put down your knife and go home and sleep it off.”

It was easy to predict Duane’s next move. Jake had seen it repeated too many times. The druggie lunged at the bartender, but Jake reacted first and grabbed his arm. A dangerous maneuver, because tweakers often found bonus strength out of nowhere. He’d been in fights where it took three bouncers to subdue one meth head. Fate was on his side this time. The knife clattered to the floor, and a kick to the back of his knee ensured Duane did, too.

While all hell broke loose, with everyone yelling at Duane and Duane’s friends yelling at everyone else, Jake slipped out the front.

Book Description:

Jake Hennessey deals in selling fine jewelry of an illegal nature. The thrill of getting away with it is his addiction. When he hears a rumor about a rare old book in the personal collection of a small-town librarian, he gets the urge to try a new game.

After all, even jewel thieves get bored.

But the librarian, Harmony Duprie, isn’t what he expected and the challenge becomes serious business.

In order to win, Jake’s going to have to play by a new set of rules—and make them up as he goes along—because this time, he’s playing for the rest of his life.

Available at retailers below

Jake is Back! Cover Reveal

Retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be for Jake Hennessey.

For 22 years, semi-retired jewel thief Jake Hennessey honored his promise to stay away from Harmony Duprie. He has no plans to change that… until Special Agent Doan Houck saunters into Jake’s bar, claiming Harmony’s life is in danger.

She’s not the only one in jeopardy. Jake is run over by a motorcycle and is the target of a drive-by shooting. He doesn’t know who to trust. Not the feds Not the local cops.

Not even Harmony.

But Jake will do anything to protect his ex-lover. Even if it means matching wits with an FBI agent, revealing old secrets, or ending up in prison. Again.

If it comes down to saving his life or Harmony’s, there is no choice at all.

This book has been a long time in the making. Between retiring and moving, Jake had to be patient with me while I ignored him as I took care of my life. He deserved my full attention as he told me his story. It didn’t go as I expected, but it went the way it needed to. (Jake working with the FBI? Who would have expected that?) I believe that the Jake books bring a additional richness to the Harmony Duprie Mysteries. With this book completed, I finally am able to move on to something new.

And here’s the cover, thanks to K.M. Guth

The release date for the Rise of Jake Hennessey is May 17th.

Where to Find It? #OpenBook Blog Hop

April 24, 2023

What are your favorite resources for research?

It all depends. It changes depending upon the book I am writing. Now that I’ve moved, it has changed again.

I’m no professional when it comes to various types of guns. Some guys I used to work with were heavily into hunting, and they would help me with various aspects of weapon use in my stories. (I wouldn’t know the difference between an AK-15, and AK-17, and a fancy paintball gun.) I’d just walk down the hall and talk to them. Since I’ve retired, that resource is gone. But in my last couple of books, guns haven’t been a major part of the story, so it hasn’t been an issue. (Jake Hennessey, my hero, doesn’t carry a gun. Never has.)

My current WIP (work in progress) is set in Pittsburgh around 1985. That’s changed everything as far as resources. I’ve been chasing rabbits to find the information I need. Although I survived the 1980s, I am looking for the details. What were the top songs and the favorite drug of choice? Those were easy. Trying to find a description of the Penguins’ owner’s club in the Civic Arena was another story. I spent hours watching old videos on YouTube and haunting Facebook groups. I finally got what I needed through one of my brothers, who knew someone who’d been there. Shoot, trying to determine the color of the uniforms the Pittsburgh cops wore back then was a challenge, and it wasn’t that long ago. I should have called their public relations department and asked, but I didn’t think about it.

As the story writes itself, I keep discovering more details I want to incorporate, but there’s no single website that offers me everything. I keep bookmarking additional sites so I can find them again. Remind me – I’ve got to check out the resources of the Pittsburgh Public Library system and see what they offer on-line.

The internet is a wonderful starting point for research, but there’s so much more. I’ve always believed that people are our greatest source of information, if you can find the right ones to talk to.

How about out other authors? What are their favorite resources? Find out by following the links.

As always, until next time, please stay safe.


April 24, 2023

What are your favorite resources for research?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


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New Release


For 22 years, semi-retired jewel thief Jake Hennessey honored his promise to stay away from Harmony Duprie. He has no plans to change that… until Special Agent Doan Houck saunters into Jake’s bar, claiming Harmony’s life is in danger.

She’s not the only one in jeopardy. Jake is run over by a motorcycle and is the target of a drive-by shooting. He doesn’t know who to trust. Not the feds Not the local cops.

Not even Harmony.

But Jake will do anything to protect his ex-lover. Even if it means matching wits with an FBI agent, revealing old secrets, or ending up in prison. Again.

If it comes down to saving his life or Harmony’s, there is no choice at all.